When they were almost upon him he shot a bolt through the throat of the man nearest him and quickly reloaded as the group looked around for their assailant. Arngeir readied his crossbow as the group drew closer. A group of farmers, four men and two women, were leading a horse laden with sacks. Just as the sun was starting to sink below the horizon Arngeir heard a noise from behind, quickly slipping into the undergrowth running alongside the track he hid himself to see who was coming. The feast before them had obviously put all other thoughts out the the bands heads, indeed if anyone noticed his absence they probably wouldn't say anything as he would be another mouth to feed. He took off down a worn track heading away from the village and followed it for a number of miles, looking over his shoulder every few minutes to see if he was being followed. No, there would be plenty of meat to be eaten in the days and months ahead. Arngeir stood for a minute, looking at the swine, his mouth salivating at the thought of bacon, ham. The men hadn't eaten meat for a month and the opportunity of a good meal was more inviting than any booty the village might hold. A shout from the front gave him the opportunity, a small fenced in lot had a few scrawny pigs rolling in the mud. He stayed at the rear of the landing group, looking for an opportunity to slip away unnoticed. They might get a few slaves but there would be little in the way of real plunder. Arngeir knew he could forge a new life for himself in Calradia.Īs they landed near a small village Arngeir watched the peasants run, it was a pathetic place, not worth raiding. They were soft now, years of easy living had made them forget how to fight for survival. The Nords, the men whose lands he pillaged, had originally come from his homeland. He was growing weary of a life spent almost entirely at sea, he had seen a dozen longboats like the one in which he was sailing swallowed up by the sea in storms, with everybody on board lost. His entire life had been spent raiding this stretch of coast to capture slaves and plunder to take back to his home in Jumne. Arngeir stood by the bow of the Sea Raider longboat, watching the coast of Calradia approach.